Posted by: Gregoryno6 | August 17, 2010

It made me green for all the wrong reasons.

An article by Christian Kerr in today’s Australian explores the policies of the Greens. There’s rather more to it than just saving rare fluffy creatures.

And the description of the Green demographic is revealing too:

[Former Labor Senator] John Black runs a social research company. He says the Greens’ core demographic has two outstanding characteristics. It is well-off and has liberal arts degrees. “It doesn’t have degrees where you have to add up,” he says.

Black points to an additional characteristic of many Greens supporters. They work in the public sector and have defined-benefit superannuation.

“They’re not slogging it out there in a small business enterprise living hand to mouth week to week, handing out a lot of money to your employees which is fixed and then having to live off what’s left,” he says “I don’t think they’ve got the slightest idea how a business works, I don’t think they’ve got the slightest idea how a budget works and they’re wedded to the public sector unions.”

The problem with preferential voting is deciding who goes right at the bottom of the ticket. But this may make my decision easier next Saturday.


  1. Hi,
    I really hope that people go to the Greens web site first if they are thinking about voting for this lot, and have a read of their policies there, not what they hear on the TV or radio, but research the party themselves, then make a decision. I think it would shock a lot of people if they actually understood what the Greens want.

    • The Greens should rename themselves the Iceberg Party. 1/8 in plain sight and pretty, 7/8 hidden and deadly.
      The BBC ran a two part item recently called Useful Idiots. If they ever do a story about the Greens, they should call it Dangerous Idiots.

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