Posted by: Gregoryno6 | January 13, 2013

Rottnest Head Update.

The head, found in a plastic bag, has now been identified. And I’m sorry, but I can’t help highlighting one line from that report.

Given the head was found wrapped in plastic, a shark attack has been ruled out.

I’d really like to think that a journalist was dumb enough to ask the question. If the police included it as part of their press release…

Maybe it’s holiday brain; no news syndrome. Whatever: this story was  grotesque to begin with, but the reporting is just piling it on. A radio report on Friday said that ‘police had ruled out suicide. ‘

What, not possible for a man to lop off his own noggin, wrap it up neatly, and then dispose of his remaining parts by taking a swim in the general direction of Capetown?

I’ve been exhibiting some holiday brain myself. I’m sympathetic to the young girl who made the discovery, but I can’t help thinking that if a boy had found the head he would have tried to smuggle it home to show around.


  1. I’d love to say something intelligent and witty but I just can’t stop laughing at this.

    • I aired my thoughts about a boy finding the head at work and the temperature dropped several degrees in a second. So don’t be embarrassed.

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