Posted by: Gregoryno6 | May 10, 2022

Lockdownunder Update: Barbecue and cartoons.

Avi Yemini, the bane of Vicpol, speaks to candidates from our freedom friendly parties at a suburban barbecue.

Politics over snags. How Australian can you get?

Also very Australian: Wowsers.

A derogatory word denoting a person who saps all the fun out of any given situation. Derived from the temperance movement in Australia and New Zealand at the turn of the C20th, when it was hurled as an accusation towards conservative teetotallers who were too prim and proper to relax and socialise, it has become a more generic term that can be assigned to any straight bore lacking a sense of humour, especially petty bureaucrats and Aussies politicians.

A species both irritating and amusing. Australian Electoral Commission, come on down!

The AEC has ordered Pauline Hanson to delete a popular cartoon series from social media for failing to adhere to electoral content requirements.

With less than two weeks before we go to the polls, the AEC is cracking down on a series of cartoons that has been running since late last year. And the principal reason for the popularity of these cartoons is their merciless take on our major political parties.

Here’s a link to the complete set. Download, share and repost. Thousands have done so already! The AEC aren’t just humourless – they seem to have zero tech savvy as well.

Here’s one of my favourites, featuring Greens leader Adam Bandt and a young girl with a funny accent. UPDATE: This is the new AEC approved version with the authorisation on the end.


  1. Screamingly funny cartoons!

    • Funny and dead-on accurate.

  2. It’s like ScoMo getting angry at ‘trolls’ on social media and wanting them banned. It isn’t clear what he thinks a troll is, but I sense he thinks they are nasty men and women need to be protected from them, so his proposed laws are from a chivalrous impulse. People’s understanding of social media varies a lot with age. My kids have helped me a lot with access to stuff like movies on the ‘net, or just basic problems like setting up and getting through hiccups. ‘The computer (or now the phone) is doing (something weird) What do I do?’ If not for them I may have been stuck like many older folks. We should not be ruled by ignorance.

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