Posted by: Gregoryno6 | May 22, 2024

As if there wasn’t enough digital ineptitude on display.

Just my opinion, but an inability to secure plain old paper files does not augur well for digital security either.

They were supposed to be under lock and key, in a secure storage room deep inside Europol’s headquarters in The Hague.
But a clutch of highly sensitive files containing the personal information of top law enforcement executives went missing last summer.

Europe’s law enforcement agency has been mired in a whodunit ever since.

Insert uproarious laughter here.

On a matter totally unrelated, Australia’s Human Rights Commission has suddenly developed… wait for it… covid curiosity.


The Commission is calling for stories from people who were impacted by the national, state and community responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This process is intended to capture varied perspectives from people across diverse Australian communities. The Commission seeks to understand the impacts of pandemic responses on aspects of daily life such as health, family and employment.

We ask that your story describes how you were personally impacted during the pandemic. Stories can relate to any aspect of the country’s COVID-19 pandemic response such as lock downs, border closures, quarantine requirements, social distancing or school closures.

But they’re not that anxious to hear the stories. Submissions close at the end of next month.

Some local pundits are predicting a federal election by the end of the year. Call me cynical, but if the HRC had had a phone call from the Prime Minister who needs a little love and a lot of votes, I wouldn’t be surprised.

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