Posted by: Gregoryno6 | June 20, 2024

This is what a crisis looks like.

Internet trolls came out in force after Joy Behar shared her paranoid delusion former President Trump would cancel ABC’s The View if elected in November.

Oh noes! What will the View audience do without the Views of the View?
Maybe they could have a face to face meet up. Are there any old-style phone booths left?


  1. I still laugh when I recall a show featuring Larry the Cable Guy who was, I believe, visiting a zoo or a circus, and when he came upon three elephants, he said, “They look like the hosts of The View”.

    The View is such an amazing potpourri of ignorance, leftist hackery and cattiness that it is the ideal Democrat forum. Too bad the hosts have to sacrifice so much of their time to make the show happen – instead of, you know, going to the gym or something.

    • A commenter at Breitbart also hit the feline note when he described their audience as ‘dullard housewives, cucked househusbands, and old miserable cat-lady nags.’

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